Thursday, July 31, 2008

SM Saturday Special Challenge

So, the new Saturday challenge has been posted...

"Heather (hedderlee) here with today’s Saturday Special challenge! Your mission for today is to scrap an “anatomy of…” page. Err, a what? Here, take a look at my example:


I took this kit, created by Fluffy Bunny Feet Designs... (I really loved the push pins)

And did the anatomy of my kids...

So Exciting!! ScrapMatters news...

Still Scrapping

There's big news happening at one of the stores I CT for, so I've been scrambling making several QPs and brag book pages, so soon enough I'll post them.

I also created a few pages for a new designer at ScrapMatters.These two pages both came from Naturally Happy by Erica Zane (available at ScrapMatters)

And this is from the current template challenge, also at ScrapMatters.

(You get a template and add your own stuff to it). For this challenge, we had to be in both of the pictures we used.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Scrap Matters Saturday Special

The challenge for this Saturday was to create a layout based on an anniversary of something, so I decided to scrap my last birthday, which are really awful pictures.

High School Never Ends (Britt-ish Designs at Scrap Matters)
Stella (by Suzie Belle Designs at Scrap Matters)
Ever After (by Matahati Designs at Scrap MatterS)

Snap and Scrap Team Kit

so, this week we are highlighting this month's team kit at Snap and Scrap

(There's a lot more to it than just that preview)
and my specific job is to use a sketch with the kit

and this is my layout

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Designer and Creative Team Calls at Snap & Scrap

ScrapMatters Blog Template Challenge

Here is this week's template challenge at ScrapMatters

This week I'm challenging you to scrap using one of your favourite quotes from a book or a movie. 'Harold and Maude' is one of my favourite movies.. I love the message it delivers about living and loving, it's great. Also I LOVE the soundtrack by Cat Stevens, and I've been wanting to scrap this song for ages, so this is the perfect opportunity! Let us know your favourite quote.. it's fine if you don't explain your quote on your layout, just make sure you tell us about it when you post your layout in the gallery!

This is what I made

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Speed Scrap

Mark ended up getting home a little late, so I was able to participate about halfway through this one, and I finished it this morning.
1. Find two pictures. One needs to have more than one person in it. The other can be anything or anyone you want. The pictures need to be side by side or one on top of the other but not touching.
2. Next pick three papers. These are to be layered as your background. The top paper should be a very subtle print. They need to be centered on top of each other. Sort of like they are bordering each other with the subtle print on top. Sorry, I should have had this be the first rule not the second.
3 Frame your photos and connect them some how but don’t have the frames touch each other. I want straight, clean lines so don’t tilt the photos or the frames. You can use ribbons, staples, stitching, anything you want to attach the frames.
4. Stitch down your papers anyway you want to. Add some sort of trim below your photos if they are horizontal on your page and along side your photos if the are vertical.
5. Now embellish your trim with anything you want to.
6. Date your LO with a tag or a paper strip or a date stamp. Don’t just put the date in a text. Put it on something. 6. Now add your title close to your photos. You should end up with quite a bit of open space that you can leave empty or fill it up with what ever you want once you complete the required rules.

And this is what mine ended up looking like...

It can be seen a little better in my galleries.


So, I'm on another CT, Color Line Designs...
I took the following:

And this is what I got....

Today's Speed Scrap

These were the instructions for the speed scrap today.

11:00 Choose one picture. Your picture is going to run the full length OR width of your page. Don't forget to save.

11:10 Put an edge at least on one side of your picture. Can be ribbon, stitching, etc. But DO NOT frame it. Don't forget to save.

11:20 Draw focus to main part of picture. Maybe you could change the color, or use an arrow. Hey, did you save it yet?

11:30 Put on a series of 3 elements (they can all be different) in a line ON TOP of your picture. and save.

11:40 For this layout there will not be a title. Instead we are going to use a quote. It can be song lyrics, from a book, or whatever, but it has to be something someone else created. You can put it on your page anyway you want, ie wordart, just typed up, whatever. Hit that save button...

11:50 Use a neutral colored background paper. Put a border close to the edge; it can be drawn, it can be just a different color paper, it can be glitter, but focus on those edges. and save again.

12:00 I want you to find a place that you can use an initial. Just one letter of the alpha somewhere on your page. Also date it. save

And this is what I made

Halli by GG Digital Designs (stitches, paper)
Dulcet by Ellie Lash (ribbon, paper, alpha)
Tiny Cowgirl by Britt-ish Designs (photo frame, paper, staple, bobby pin, flower, background paper, buttons)
My Girl by Ellie & Ivy (circle flower, brad, hanging ring, swirl)
Word art by Britt-ish Designs

Monday, July 21, 2008

New CT Layout

Using the following products:

I created this:

The quote pretty much reads the shortest trip to anywhere is to have good company along for the journey.

Speed Scrap!!

Okay, speed scraps are so much fun!
I helped to introduce the game on National Scrapbooking Day at ScrapMatters. Now it's become a fun game that is at least a weekly experience. Starting at the top of the given hour, the hostess gives an instruction for everyone to follow. A new instruction is given every 10 minutes for the full hour. Then you are given an additional hour to finish up anything you didn't quite get right and get it uploaded into the ScrapMatters gallery. I've really liked my pages coming out of these for the most part. And more often than not, they give you a really great participation prize.

Well, tomorrow (if anyone happens to read this before then)...I'm hosting a speed scrap at 11am MST. So come on over and participate (if you decide to, make sure you get your gallery set up first. It takes a little time).

Here is the page I made from the last speed scrap I participated in.

Now, since the scrap, I did change the alpha that I used. I just found a great one by Ellie Lash that I didn't have when I scrapped this.

Here I Am

Well, I figured I should try to do this. I don't do so well keeping my blogs up to date...but here's to hope, right?? Go ahead and check out the links next to here and see what you find. You just might find something you like too!